

Rahu Yagna

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Rahu Yagna ( Yagna for Rahu )

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Rs. 15001

Rs. 20000
  • अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चन्द्रादित्यविमर्दनम्। सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
  • Duration : One month
  • Frequency: Every day
  • Offerring: 500 Aahuti of the Surya mantra

Seeks insight and ambition, unlocking potentials and overcoming obstacles to realize aspirations.

Rahu Yagna: Seeking Insight and Ambition Amidst the cosmic dance, Rahu, known for its enigmatic influence, beckons seekers to delve into the depths of their subconscious mind and pursue their ambitions with unwavering determination. Our Rahu Yagna service, meticulously conducted daily by our knowledgeable Acharyas, invites individuals to harness the transformative energies of Rahu, seeking insight and ambition in their endeavors. In the intricate fabric of Vedic astrology, Rahu holds a mysterious and often misunderstood place as the shadow planet that symbolizes desires, ambitions, and worldly pursuits. Its influence is said to bring both challenges and opportunities, urging seekers to confront their innermost desires and strive towards their goals with fervor and determination. Through the sacred rituals of the Rahu Yagna, our Acharyas invoke the presence of Rahu with reverence and dedication. The recitation of potent mantras, the offering of sacred substances into the sacred fire, and the performance of ancient rites create an ambiance charged with the transformative energies of Rahu. Participating in the Rahu Yagna is an opportunity to delve deep into the recesses of the subconscious mind and unearth hidden talents and ambitions. It is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where individuals are encouraged to confront their fears and limitations and pursue their aspirations with courage and conviction. The blessings bestowed by Rahu through the Rahu Yagna encompass insight, ambition, and spiritual awakening. Like the eclipse that temporarily obscures the light of the Sun, the Rahu Yagna empowers individuals to transcend their limitations and embrace their true potential, leading them towards fulfillment and success. The Rahu Yagna serves as a guiding light for those navigating the labyrinth of desires and ambitions, providing a sacred space where the transformative energies of Rahu can be harnessed for personal growth and spiritual evolution. It is a reminder of the inherent power that lies within each of us, waiting to be unleashed and realized. Join us in the sacred journey of the Rahu Yagna, where the enigmatic energies of Rahu illuminate the path towards insight and ambition. Through the ancient wisdom of Vedic rituals and the compassionate guidance of our Acharyas, may you embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment, realizing your dreams and aspirations with clarity and conviction.

Gemstone Emerald
Cut Faceted
Colour Green
Composition Natural
Shape Oval
Weight (carat) 2.66

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