

Chandra Yagna

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Chandra Yagna ( Yagna for moon )

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Rs. 15001

Rs. 20000
  • दधिशङ्खतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णवसम्भवम्। नमामि शशिनं सोमं शम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम्॥
  • Duration : One month
  • Frequency: Every day
  • Offerring: 500 Aahuti of the Surya mantra

Nurtures emotional balance and intuition, fostering inner peace, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.

Chandra Yagna: Nurturing Emotional Balance and Intuition Amidst the cosmic dance of celestial bodies, the gentle glow of Chandra Deva, the Moon, radiates a profound sense of calm and tranquility. Our Chandra Yagna service, meticulously conducted daily by our skilled Acharyas, beckons individuals to bask in the soothing embrace of lunar energies, nurturing emotional balance and intuition. In the tapestry of Vedic spirituality, the Moon holds a revered position as the guardian of emotions and the harbinger of inner wisdom. Its gentle light reflects the mysteries of the subconscious mind, guiding seekers on a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing. Through the sacred rituals of the Chandra Yagna, our Acharyas invoke the presence of Chandra Deva with reverence and devotion. The recitation of ancient mantras, the offering of sacred substances into the sacred fire, and the performance of age-old rites create an ethereal atmosphere, suffused with the nurturing energies of the Moon. Participating in the Chandra Yagna is an opportunity to deepen one s connection with the lunar deity and attune oneself to the ebb and flow of emotions. It is a sacred journey inward, where individuals are invited to explore the depths of their inner being and embrace the wisdom that lies within. The blessings bestowed by Chandra Deva through the Chandra Yagna encompass emotional healing, intuition, and inner peace. Like the gentle light of the Moon that bathes the earth in its luminous glow, the Chandra Yagna offers solace and comfort to weary souls, guiding them towards a state of emotional equilibrium and spiritual fulfillment. The Chandra Yagna serves as a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the tumultuous currents of life, providing a sacred space where the heart can find solace and the mind can find clarity. It is a reminder of the inherent beauty and resilience of the human spirit, capable of weathering life s storms and emerging stronger and more radiant than before. Join us in the sacred journey of the Chandra Yagna, where the gentle light of the Moon illuminates the path towards emotional balance and spiritual growth. Through the timeless wisdom of Vedic rituals and the compassionate guidance of our Acharyas, may you find solace, healing, and inner peace amidst the ever-changing tides of existence.

Gemstone Emerald
Cut Faceted
Colour Green
Composition Natural
Shape Oval
Weight (carat) 2.66

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