

Guru Chandal Dosa Yagna

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Guru Chandal Dosa Yagna ( Guru Chandal Dosa Nivaran Yagna )

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Rs. 25000

Rs. 30000
  • गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥
  • Duration : One month
  • Frequency: Every day
  • Offerring: 500 Aahuti of the Surya mantra

Neutralizes the malefic influences of Guru Chandal Dosa, fostering spiritual growth and prosperity.

Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna: Seeking Spiritual Guidance and Transformation Our Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna service, meticulously conducted by our knowledgeable Acharyas, is a sacred endeavor aimed at mitigating the malefic effects of Guru Chandal Dosha and facilitating spiritual growth and transformation. In Vedic astrology, Guru Chandal Dosha occurs when Jupiter (Guru) is afflicted by Rahu (Chandal), leading to various challenges and obstacles in one s life. It is believed to create disturbances in the areas of wisdom, spirituality, and ethical conduct, hindering the individual s spiritual evolution. Through the sacred rituals of the Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna, our Acharyas invoke the blessings of Lord Jupiter and seek protection from the malefic influence of Rahu with reverence and dedication. The chanting of potent mantras, the offering of sacred substances into the sacred fire, and the performance of age-old rites create an ambiance charged with divine energies, aimed at neutralizing the adverse effects of Guru Chandal Dosha. Participating in the Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna is an opportunity to seek divine intervention and overcome the challenges posed by Guru Chandal Dosha in one s spiritual journey. It is a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation, where individuals are encouraged to cultivate wisdom, ethical conduct, and spiritual insight. The blessings bestowed by Lord Jupiter through the Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna encompass spiritual guidance, protection, and transformation. Like the guiding light that illuminates the path through darkness, the Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna empowers individuals to overcome obstacles and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment. The Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those affected by Guru Chandal Dosha, providing a sacred space where the malefic effects of Rahu can be mitigated, and the blessings of Lord Jupiter can be received with gratitude and humility. It is a reminder of the transformative power of divine grace and the inherent potential within each individual to overcome challenges and achieve spiritual evolution. Join us in the sacred journey of the Guru Chandal Dosh Nivaran Yagna, where the divine energies of Lord Jupiter illuminate the path towards spiritual guidance and transformation. Through the ancient wisdom of Vedic rituals and the compassionate guidance of our Acharyas, may you receive the blessings of Lord Jupiter and experience spiritual growth, wisdom, and enlightenment in your life.

Gemstone Emerald
Cut Faceted
Colour Green
Composition Natural
Shape Oval
Weight (carat) 2.66

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